Female Leadership Circle-Eventbild

Female* Leadership Circle

Dear Women*,

Welcome to the Female* Leadership Circle!

We co-host conversational workshops and get-togethers by and for women* and all who identify as such in the realm of FLINTA.

  • TIME: 6pm-8pm (official program, afterwards open end
  • VENUE: to be announced for each event via eventbrite, LinkedInLinkedIn group and Instagram

We boldly state:

This is…

  • no professional networking/startup event
  • with no conventional agenda!

F*LC is about something else. It Is a space for exploration and collaboration.

At F*LC we co-create a space with you, where we can

  • open up our minds, hearts,
  • are willing to share whatever we want to share (fears, doubts, success, joy, or just listen),
  • learn from each other,
  • or just simply enjoy our time together.

F*LC ranges around anything that concerns…

  • Female* Leadership and how we define it
  • Female* Entrepreneurship
  • The Female* Career and Work/Life Experience

Topics of past F*LCs were…

  • “Kick Off – Creating and defining the Female* Leadership Circle” (February ’23)
  • “Female* Leadership – What does it mean to you?” (March ’23)
  • “Scary Spaces in Business – How do we enter and rewrite them?” (April ’23)
  • “Scares, Struggles and Starting over – How our personal stories shape us and ignite our potential to unlock our hidden strengths” (June ’23)

How can I co-host a F*LC get together?

At the end of each event/ get-together/meet up 2 participants volunteer as co-hosts for the next F*LC. Ideally the hosts have therefore attended at least one previous F*LC event.

If you haven’t attended the F*LC before and still would like to co-host, please contact pia@kontaktkollektiv.com.

The co-host-volunteers will be then accompanied in 1-2 initial sessions (online or hybrid) by one of the co-coordinating team to take the next steps in designing the next F*LC content.

Administrative/ event-organization related tasks will be taken care of by the team, so the hosts can primarily focus on hosting the topic of the next F*LC.

We want to ensure that F*LC is a space where we all can co-create what the F*LC is about, as a participant or a co-host and where we continue to explore what matters to those who attend.

Meet the women* behind the event…

Hosted by: Co-Hosts Names (will be updated for each event, incl. LinkedIn-Link to Profiles)

Supported and co-coordinated by: Natalia Bialobrzewska | Founder of Kontakt Kollektiv, Barbara Knoben | Co-founder of wir:markt, Pia Köber | Facilitator and Co-Coordinator F*LC, Neigea Mendy I Communications Manager Kontakt Kollektiv


23. August 2023
Abgelaufene Events


18:00 - 22:00

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105 Viertel
Gänsemarkt 33, 20354 Hamburg
kontakt kollektiv


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