Breaking Bias-Gender Discrimination in AI-Eventbild

Breaking Bias: Gender Discrimination in AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized our world, but it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Unfortunately, there are inherent biases embedded in these AI algorithms, perpetuating gender discrimination and exacerbating existing inequalities.

Get ready for an enlightening panel talk titled “Breaking Bias: Gender Discrimination in AI,” a collaborative event presented in partnership with the incredible Women in Tech. This thought-provoking discussion aims to shed light on the pressing issue of gender discrimination within artificial intelligence (AI) systems and explore potential strategies to mitigate bias in this rapidly evolving field.

Whether you’re a tech guru, a student eager to learn, or simply someone who wants to make a difference, this event is for you. We promise an inclusive and lively atmosphere where everyone’s ideas are valued and celebrated.


6:00 to 6:30 pm – Meet & Greet

6:30 to 6:40 pm – Keynote by Dr. Lobna Karoui, Executive AI Business Director at Fortune 500, President of AI Exponential Thinker

6:40 to 7:30 pm – Panel Talk “Breaking Bias: Gender Discrimination in AI” + Q&A

7:30 to 8:00 pm – Mingling / Networking


Dr. Lobna Karoui is a Tech Philanthropist and AI Strategist. She believes in an inclusive Trust Technologies Future for All. Dr. Lobna Karoui is a Data and Artificial Intelligence Strategist for large organizations. She is a Google recognized Expert about “Disruption, Empathy and Trust” and one of the 1000 AI experts in the world who signed “Autonomous Weapons: an Open Letter” with Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk. Dr. Karoui was graduate from CentraleSupelec and Yale.As a digital transformer and Tech philanthropist, she is invited as a contributor at Forbes, MIT, Women Forum Economic & society and as a speaker at Harvard University, Stanford, Amazon, Bloomberg.Dr. Lobna Karoui is the President of AI Exponential Thinker with the mission to educate and empower 1 Million young people, horizon 2030, about TRUST Technologies, Artificial Intelligence Opportunities and the needed skills for the Future. As a Futurist, researcher and podcast producer, she invites Exponential Thinkers from various organizations such as Google, Amazon, Nvidia, WEF, Harvard to share their visions about the Future of Work and Education in this times of Exponential Technologies.

Noha Salama is the Germany Chapter Ambassador of Women in Tech – Global Movement. Noha is multi-lingual and speaks fluent German, English, Arabic as well as intermediate French and Spanish.After finishing her Computer Science studies and getting an MBA in International BusinessAdministration, she has had a career in IT where she worked in project management, businessdevelopment, sales management at various IT companies including Red Hat, Oracle, Google Cloudand NetApp where she is currently working in the Cloud Operations division.Noha is contributing to gender parity and female empowerment through her volunteer work inseveral NGO’s such as European Women on Boards, FidaR (Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte) and UNWomen Germany.

Gráinne McKnight is Founding Data Science Lead at – b2b software to smartly summarise and prioritize notifications across different workplace tools. She spent several years as a Data Scientist working in fintech (N26 and Adyen) building data products, including a customer service chatbot, a geolocation service, and models for money laundering and fraud detection. She is passionate about NLP, Data Ethics, and building a diverse team at Spoke!


28. Juli 2023
Abgelaufene Events


18:00 - 20:00

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Spiced Academy
Ritterstraße 12-14, 10969 Berlin
Spiced Academy


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