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FemalExperts – From professional business blog to digital business magazine for women
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FemalExperts – From professional business blog to digital business magazine for women

Kinga Bartczak

Dear readers,

Whoever understands the word “female empowerment” as a radical ideology or empty phrase should now click away very quickly and continue to surrender to the patriarchal system. Anyway, we are back, and wilder, louder and more passionate than ever before.

My loyal readers know well that I started my business blog in 2014 with the intention to give young women more access to professional business topics and thereby support them in their professional/entrepreneurial growth. These young women have now become true experts, and I want to offer them the digital stage to make their expertise accessible to a diverse community.

I am incredibly happy to announce that FemalExperts is now advancing to THE digital business magazine – By women, for women, about women.

What’s inside FemalExperts magazine?

In doing so, we specifically look beyond business and corporate boundaries and take a critical look at the economy, science, politics and society and what can I tell you – there is a lot to do here.

We women are underrepresented in just about every field, ignored, ridiculed or even threatened.

FemalExperts does not allow itself to be pushed into a corner. Our authors are as diverse as their stories, and our goal is to reach a broad readership that is ready to create change with us.

What many don’t know or ignore: There is a well-organized “anti-gender/anti-feminism movement” worldwide and every moment we are not paying attention, women’s rights are being ignored, curtailed or purposefully ignored.

For this reason, as the editor of this online magazine, I promise you:

Together with our authors we will provoke, inform, discuss – But above all we will connect!

We know that women’s rights are fragile and must be defended (keyword: bodily self-determination). We are aware that quotas could be reversed and outdated ways of thinking could once again experience a renaissance under the guise of crisis prevention.

There is still much to do in the areas of female empowerment and feminism

We know there are countless gaps/gaps (investment, care, data, pension, pay gap, etc.) to close and we are ready to use the virtual stage to raise our voices, show up and get into action.

FemalExperts offers all women and those who consider themselves as such a space to talk about the really important issues(see free authorship).

In addition, we also invite companies, role models for whom support for women is a matter of course, organizations and institutions to also use our platform within the framework of cooperations and/or advertising partnerships. Through this, together we can achieve the vision of greater visibility, effectiveness and ultimately, of a more equal global community.

See Also
Building Bridges with Words Sarah Rose on the Power of Multilingual Communication-Article

We are all FemalExperts!

Women’s rights are human rights. We don’t want more than we earn – 50% of EVERYTHING, because we also make up half the world’s population. We are daughters, sisters, friends, mothers, employees, leaders and entrepreneurs. We give life, we raise, we consume, we work, we earn, so we also want to have a say.

FemalExperts magazine sees itself as the mouthpiece of these women and we will direct our sharpened gaze to all areas and to every opportunity , pointing to every possibility and every initiative that together mean positive change.

Our editorial team is looking forward to you becoming part of our community, whether in our Facebook group, as a freelance author or as a cooperation partner.

We communicate, interact and act freely according to our motto:

“We grow by lifting others.”

Thank you for your attention.

About the author

Kinga Bartczak
 | Website

Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .

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