The new year is just around the corner and for many female entrepreneurs it is a time for reflection and new beginnings. It is the perfect time to create a targeted and focused financial plan for the coming year. In this article, I’ll give you five tips for getting off to a successful start and achieving long-term financial goals. Whether you haven’t had the success you wanted so far or are planning to start a business for which prior financial planning is important – these tips are relevant for every (budding) entrepreneur.
2024 is approaching and many female entrepreneurs are feeling the anticipation and expectation in their business, mixed with a certain uncertainty about their financial future. As a financial expert with diverse perspectives, I know that finance can have a feminine dimension and is crucial to the success of a company (even if finance is often outlined as masculine). On a bright morning, I sit in my study and reflect on my experiences. I am aware that many female entrepreneurs have not achieved the success they hoped for, whether in existing companies or when implementing their own business idea. Many find themselves in a similar situation: trapped in financial uncertainty, without clear strategies to achieve their financial goals. I am firmly convinced that this situation can be changed. I believe that my advice can inspire not only my readers, but people of all genders. I would like to share my expertise and encourage women to dedicate themselves to self-determined and focused financial planning.
First the planning, then the action
My notes are filled with concrete instructions and valuable insights. A thorough stocktaking is essential for all of us in order to develop a clear vision for the coming year. How can change happen if you don’t want to face the truth about your own mistakes and challenges? The positive attitude and the need to overcome negative beliefs about money and wealth follow in point 2. First, we can all learn to look: Analyzing income and expenses, creating a debt reduction plan and a long-term spending strategy are key aspects of my tips.
I like to go out on a limb when I say that every entrepreneur has the opportunity to achieve her financial goals and achieve sustainable success. Let my expertise inspire you and start the new year with confidence – financially stronger and ready to realize your entrepreneurial dreams. The financial breakthrough is only a few planning steps away if you approach it correctly and thoughtfully. And for those who think that there always has to be a huge amount of strong capital: it is enough to create a little order to create more movement. First the planning, then the action! How is it that everyone organizes their closet according to Marie Kondo, events are meticulously planned a year in advance and our whole life is measured by SMART goals, but we often run away from our finances? We are tearing down our scaffolding before we even start our business – a system far removed from any logic. A system that should be changed.
5 steps to a long-term financial strategy
1. location survey: Where are you today and where do you want to go?
Before you start your financial journey, it is important to carry out a “site survey”. Review your current financial situation, analyze your income and expenses and identify your financial goals for the coming year. A clear vision helps you to take the right path and achieve your goals. Being ruthlessly honest with yourself is the first step to more success. Only those who are honest with themselves and recognize where their own financial strengths and weaknesses lie can really improve.
2. understand the reasons for the current situation
In order to bring about long-term change, it is important to understand the causes of your current financial situation. What thoughts and actions led you there? I encourage people to reflect on their own way of thinking and emotions and adapt them if necessary. A positive attitude and focused thinking can lay the foundation for successful financial planning. We are often unaware of how we can bring about a profound change in our finances.
3. rethink your beliefs about money and wealth
Our attitude towards money and wealth has a significant influence on our financial actions. Together with an expert, you should identify your beliefs about money and reformulate them if necessary. Replace negative beliefs such as “Money is hard to earn” with positive beliefs such as “I attract financial success”. A new way of thinking can pave the way to successful financial planning and, of course, does not happen overnight. What sometimes builds up over decades as an obstructive belief system is not torn down overnight. That’s why the motto is: be patient and get professional help if your money management has been in a mess for too long. Good news: it’s never too late to put things in order and achieve greater entrepreneurial prosperity!
4. analyze income and expenses
A comprehensive understanding of your income and expenditure is essential for successful financial planning. Rate your income on a scale of 1 to 10, including bonuses, vacation pay, allowances or alimony. At the same time, you should also analyze your expenses on a scale of 1 to 10. Identify expenses that can be optimized and better allocated. For example, sometimes we are not aware of how many subscriptions we have through apps and programs that pile up every month. Many of them are not used or their notice periods are missed.
5. reduce debt and plan expenditure
Debt can be a major burden and prevent you from achieving financial freedom. Together with an expert, you can work out measures to reduce debt and create a clear plan for future spending. Set yourself a realistic budget and think about which expenses are actually necessary. Good financial planning requires conscious spending and prioritizing.
Bonus tip: Don’t let the euphoria of the new year and new beginnings lead you to believe that you can achieve financial success overnight with quick investments!
My appeal
Targeted and focused financial planning is crucial to the success of an entrepreneur. Finance can also very well be female. A new chapter is finally dawning in the business world as we talk about female financial planning! An era in which women fully exploit their financial power and pursue their goals with clarity and self-confidence.
It is time that women entrepreneurs learn to manage their finances effectively and thereby not only strengthen their own businesses, but also contribute to the growth and diversity of the economy as a whole. This goes beyond simply controlling the financial reins – it’s about breaking through barriers and creating new opportunities for future generations of successful female entrepreneurs. Courage, knowledge and the right strategy are the key to conquering the world of finance and turning dreams into reality.
It is time for women to see the financial world as their territory and take their place in an industry that is often perceived as male-dominated, . Women who have the courage to embark on this adventure are rewarded for crossing boundaries and opening up new horizons for themselves and others.
It‘s time for women to take the lead in changing times and use their financial power to shape the world. A strong financial position is not only crucial for individual female entrepreneurs, but also for the global economy as a whole.
It‘s time that women do not postpone their dreams, but face them with confidence and determination.
It is time for women to give their assets the positive flavor of female strength and intuition at .
It is time for women to take the financial stage and receive the applause for their achievements.
It‘s time for women to enjoy their financial independence and celebrate their success.
It is time for women to conquer the world of finance and write their own chapter in the history of the business world.
About the author
Vorsorgeexpertin I Internationales Lions Club Mitglied I Female Speaker I Autorin
Ein herzliches Hallo allerseits, ich bin in Ostdeutschland aufgewachsen und eine Frau, die ihre Träume verwirklicht hat, denn ich weiss nur zu gut, wie es sich anfühlt ein begrenztes Leben zu führen.
Das Leben ist voller Überraschungen und Veränderungen, darum soll es in Eigenverantwortung so gestaltet werden, dass das Leben lebenswert ist, so wie es sich jeder von Herzen wünscht.
Heute, seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte lebe ich unabhängig mit meinen zwei wunderbaren Kindern in der Schweiz, in meiner Tätigkeit als Vorsorgeexpertin für den grössten Schweizer Vorsorgekonzern, weiss ich nur zu gut, wie wichtig es ist, sich selbst um seine Finanzen zu kümmern, die gute Planung bedingt, um sich zu verwirklichen.
Darum ermächtige ich Frauen sich selbst um ihre Finanzen zu kümmern, um ein unabhängiges und erfülltes Leben zu führen.
Genau das ist es, was mich antreibt und mir für die Frauenwelt von herzen wünsche!
Für mich bedeutet finanzielle Vorsorge, persönliche Fürsorge, das gleiche gilt für die eigene Gesundheit und hilft ein freies und glückliches Leben zu führen.
Ich liebe es mich ehrenamtlich einzubringen und dabei anderen bedürftigen Menschen zu helfen, einen Beitrag in dieser Welt zu leisten, erfüllt mich zu tiefst.
Seit 1½ Jahren stehe ich auf der Bühne als Female Speaker und inspiriere Frauen mit meinen Vorträgen.
Ich liebe, was ich tue und es ist mir ein tiefes Bedürfnis einen Beitrag in dieser Welt zu leisten.
Wenn du mehr über mich wissen möchtest, lass uns austauschen und schreib mir, ich liebe Netzwerken.
Herzlichst Mandy
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