Vielfalt & Diversität-Eventbild

Diversity & Diversity – yes/no/maybe?

What about diversity and variety in companies, organizations, clubs and associations?

Has it arrived as an issue?

What opportunities does this present and what issues does it raise?

We, the network“Woman with Bizz” invite together with the network office COMPANY D IVERSITY to a round table “Diversity” on June 15, 2023 at 5 pm at WORQS Aachen City.

The aim of the event is to create visibility for the topic of diversity and the potentials and needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter*, non-binary and queer people (LSBTIQ*) in the Aachen region and to set impulses to break down barriers in the working world and society.

Aachen is diverse, and taking advantage of the opportunities this diversity offers means positioning itself for the future. Companies that actively shape diversity score points not only with the queer community. Modern and cosmopolitan companies win in the race for qualified specialists!

The Round Table offers people in Aachen the opportunity to come together, share experiences and create synergies in order to jointly accept

and openness to diversity in urban society. Look forward to exciting impulses and a stimulating exchange with representatives of RWTH Aachen University, the Querreferat, the Equality Department of the City of Aachen and representatives of SMEs.

If you have any questions, please contact the network office UNTERNEHMEN VIELFALT at 0231. 55 69 76 28.

Registrations for the Round Table on June 15 (5 p.m., WORQS Aachen City) at:

We are looking forward to your participation!

For information:

The network office UNTERNEHMEN VIELFALT advises and supports small and medium-sized enterprises from North Rhine-Westphalia in the introduction of diversity management with a focus on LGBTIQ*. The network office wants to set impulses, give recommendations for action and connect companies that are interested in the topic of LGBTIQ* and want to become active in order to create an open and appreciative environment in their company. Offers are exchange and information events, trainings and tandems.


15. June 2023


17:00 - 19:00

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WORQS Coworking Aachen
Oppenhoffallee 143, 52066 Aachen, Germany


Woman with Bizz | Network for women entrepreneurs
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