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“Diversity promotes profitable and social business models!”
Dark Light

“Diversity promotes profitable and social business models!”

Kinga Bartczak

This is what we believe in as an International University (IU) and with our cooperation project “ we Female Founders “, we are contributing to a more diverse and balanced start-up landscape. Our goal: More female founders!

Our mentoring program

For the third time, we are launching our 6-month online mentoring program on 01.02.2023 and supporting women with a sustainable start-up idea in their first steps towards self-employment!

During this time, female founders participate in over 15 live workshops, benefit from the expertise of our speakers, have access to over 50 recorded webinars, and can also build a large network with other female founders and female business angels on our AI-based platform.

See Also
Irène Kilubi in the interview article picture

Join now with your business idea

The only thing that is needed is an initial sustainable and, at best, scalable business idea! The application (in the form of a motivation letter and a short video) can be sent to until 15.01.2023. More information about the program, the speakers and the application can be found on our website: we Female Founders – How to become a Female Founder (

we Female Founders Online Program

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