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Pop newcomer NARA with her new single “Deja vu” in interview
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Pop newcomer NARA with her new single “Deja vu” in interview

Kinga Bartczak

Dear NARA, we are very happy to introduce you to our readers in our Role Model Interview. Thank you so much for your time!

We’re going straight into the Q&A because when we heard your song “Deja vu”, the first release of your upcoming EP, we were immediately “addicted” and since then it’s been playing regularly up and down in our newsroom.

1. where did you get the inspiration for this wonderful song?

My ex-boyfriend left me at that time and still contacted me a hundred times afterwards. For me at the time, it felt like I was always saying the same thing and going through the same thing: So it was déjà vu. I guess many have experienced a similar situation and know the feeling. That’s why I wanted to write a song about it.

2. some people at the age of 8 don’t even know what they want to wear to school in the morning, you on the other hand were completely sure that you wanted to be a singer. How did this desire come about?

I didn’t think at the time that I wanted to be a famous singer, but I knew at that moment: I just want to sing. That there was a real plan behind it came later.

3. you have subsequently achieved something that many have to practice for years: You immediately got into action and called a teacher for opera singing, who until then actually only taught adults. How did you convince him to give you singing lessons and what did that mean for your development as a singer?

I guess I convinced him because I wanted it so badly. I think he just found me very nice. I was not an exceptional talent at the age of 8, but I had been playing the piano for three years by then. I guess in the end he couldn’t refuse a little blonde girl anything. 😀

4. many female artists are admired for their creative process, do you have special rituals with which you stimulate your creativity?

I dance and light incense – No for sure! 🙂

For me, emotions are an insanely supporting character in my music. Especially when I feel a particularly strong emotion, such as loneliness, sadness, heartache, happiness, etc., I try to pack that into a song.

5 Often the passion for music is transmitted and awakened within the family. How did family and friends react when it became clear that music was not going to be a short-lived hobby, but a lifelong career choice for you?

My parents have been very supportive of this since I was little. Honestly, we never once talked about whether this was right for me yet. It was always obvious as I made an early effort to sign up for workshops, etc. My parents never had to ask me for more commitment or force me to practice. It was rather the opposite and my upright piano was eventually put in the basement because no one could stand it for hours in the living room.

In 2020, you were drawn to Berlin to pursue your dream. Was there a particular reason why you chose this colorful metropolis?

I was in Berlin for a radio interview in June 2020 and also had a couple of songwriting sessions during that time. This week was so much fun and I thought: this is exactly what I want to do now and I decided without further ado to move here. But of course I was also afraid, I only knew three people in Berlin at the time. My parents encouraged me and told me I could always move away again, and that calmed me down. I then simply tried it. Now I am very, very happy to be in Berlin.

7. your single “Deja vu” impresses with your unique voice, catchy beats and a clear pop melody. However, you have also enjoyed 18 years of classical piano training and 15 years of instruction in classical and jazz singing. How would you describe your musical style?

Even though I have had different musical influences, I would clearly classify my musical style in pop music.

The theme of our digital magazine is “Female Empowerment. To what extent is this topic also important for you as a female artist?

It’s important to me in that I’m confronted daily with the fact that it’s a primarily male-dominated domain, in sessions and in the studio. I would like to encourage more women to take this step and start expressing themselves artistically in the music scene.

9. what would you advise (aspiring) female musicians who are looking for their way into the professional music industry and are confronted with hurdles?

Not to get discouraged so quickly and to keep at it. You get rejections or some doors don’t open right the first time. My tip would be to bring patience, self-confidence and a healthy dose of self-reflection.

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10. 2022 has only just begun in earnest. What goals have you set for yourself this year?

Releasing my very first EP, writing new songs, meeting new songwriters and producers and being happy. 🙂

Dear NARA, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this wonderful interview and wish you all the best for your musical path!

Thank you very much for the great questions. Of course I wish you all the best and stay healthy!

We’re going to hit the “repeat” button again and enjoy your song “Deja vu” for a while. We’d love to have you stop by again for an interview so we can keep our community updated on your inspiring journey as an artist.

Listen directly to the latest song “Deja vu” now

Photo: Keba L

NARA writes pop songs that can compete on an international level. She impressed us at Ferryhouse with her determination. She knew from the age of eight that she wanted to be a singer, and at that time she simply called the best vocal coach in the area and convinced him to teach her. Although he actually only teaches voice students. Since then it is clear for NARA: Her life belongs to the music. For this she moved to Berlin two years ago to work as a songwriter. She is now under contract with us, is in the studio almost every day and is working to fulfill her dream.

About the author

Kinga Bartczak
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Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .

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