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How you can reach more people as a coach, consultant or trainer with an online group program
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How you can reach more people as a coach, consultant or trainer with an online group program

Julia Bräunig

A guest post by Julia Bräunig, business coach from and WordPress expert

Are you already working in a consulting role and want to increase your reach to help more people and build a scalable income? Most coaches, counselors, and therapists work in face-to-face 1:1 sessions with their clients. Which is absolutely fine in principle, of course. But what if you want to aim higher and help even more people with your skills? Your time is limited because you can only serve a certain number of clients per week.

One way to expand your reach is to turn your offline sessions into online sessions. Of course, this also works 1:1 and creates a bit more flexibility. But what if you could simultaneously serve multiple clients who are struggling with similar challenges right now? What if you shared online and out of that came a supportive community – motivating and driving each other to great results?

visual_course_application2 Online group programs are a wonderful solution for this. Such programs usually run online for a predefined period of time and provide a protected space for members to exchange ideas. As a rule, they are divided into several modules, each of which deals with one complex of topics in greater depth and is also applied practically by the participants. The organizer regularly provides information, worksheets or videos, which the participants can then work through within a certain period of time and of course also ask questions or exchange ideas in the group. The program provider is available as a contact person in the group at fixed times. Depending on the program, individual 1:1 coaching sessions for each member may also be additionally integrated or booked.

The advantages of an online group program are clear:

  • you can take care of several clients at the same time
  • participants can join from anywhere, they are not bound to a certain place and time
  • In the group, a momentum develops among the members that would not be possible in a 1:1 conversation. Everyone can get involved here, share thoughts, help others, or get motivated when he or she is just sagging. The community carries each member through the process, so you don’t have to go through it alone. This alone ensures a high level of motivation and great results for most participants.
  • you expand your reach and your expert status
  • you can scale your income as you serve significantly more clients

How do online group programs work?

There are several possibilities. The heart of a group program is a protected member area that is only accessible to participants. There they can log in at any time and view the contents. This can be a website, a members’ area via a platform like Coachy, Spreadmind or Elopage – or simply a closed Facebook group. In addition to just information, group programs also have a forum for sharing with each other or personal content from the program provider. Facebook groups are also often used here, or a protected online forum.

Online group programs can have different durations. Some go for four weeks, others for up to six months or a whole year. Usually, the doors for such a program open only 1-2 times a year and those interested can apply then. You will complete a questionnaire and/or have an introductory interview with the program provider(s). This ensures that a harmonious group is formed in which the members can benefit from each other in the best possible way.

Create your own online group program


You can get an insight here: Create your own online group program – Under 100 € and without technical knowledge

In my online course “Develop your online group program” I show you step by step how to build your own online program from the first idea to conception and technical implementation to the perfect launch strategy. Everything explained in an easy to understand way and without mumbo jumbo. Together with you I will go step by step: From finding the right topic, your special added value, your ideal target group to the complete copywriting and technical setup of your online program. Of course, we’ll also talk about pricing your program, a proven launch strategy, and marketing efforts before and after your program launches. My tricks to boost your motivation and first aid tips for writer’s block and doubts will help you get back on the fast track even in difficult phases.

See Also
An interview with Jen Martens-founder of ŌMAKA article image

You can get all the info about the course here on the website:

About the author

Photo: Julia Bräunig

Hi, I am Julia! As a business coach and mentor, I help independent women and founders build a sustainably successful business. I support you to become visible with your business and to position yourself as an expert in your field. I also offer extensive support in web design and the creation of online products. You can find all information about me and my offer at

About the author

Julia Bräunig
 | Website

Hi, I'm Julia! As a business coach and mentor, I help independent women and founders to build a sustainably successful business. I support you in becoming visible with your business and positioning yourself as an expert in your field. I also offer extensive support in the area of web design and the creation of online products. You can find all information about me and my services at

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