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Dear Instagram, I’m Not Your Bitch Anymore!
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Dear Instagram, I’m Not Your Bitch Anymore!

Kinga Bartczak

A few days ago I finally managed to reduce the cumulative number of over 2,300 Instagram accounts I followed to 145 now.

I’ve written about Instagram on my blog before, for example in my articles Instagram – a digital career trap? Or Naked Business – Undressing for professional success.

First of all, I want to make one thing clear: I am not an Instagram hater, quite the opposite. I like to use the platform for distraction and I like aesthetic and authentic photos, but I’m just tired of having to look at the same pictures on Timeline.

Instead of creativity there is food porn and the always same beauty retouching

No individuality or diversity, instead: Bikinis, food, fitness, fashion blah blah. Creative or inspiring content is thus rather scarce.

It’s all probably up to me and my preferences. Maybe I’m following the wrong people, but perhaps, and speaking with a hint of a chance, it’s also due to the same ideals and values that our society is only too happy to sacrifice itself to: Superior fitness, Scandinavian dreams of living, vegan magic cuisine, and tropical beaches where all the bikini-clad women in the world seem to loll.

Instagram food porn
Photo: happy_lark – iStock

It’s time for a “reset” on Instagram & Co.

I am asking for an upgrade or some sort of “reset”. After all, it can’t be that hard to let a little authenticity or creativity take hold, can it?

Are influencers losing followers as a result? Maybe. Should this seriously affect their lives? Better not. I don’t want to offend anyone, but if my life depends on the number of followers I have, maybe I should consider taking another job and not see my purpose in showing others a life that is neither desirable nor realistic.

When I read comments like “You’re so nice” or “You come across as so genuine, I really like you” I wonder what else followers expect? If a bakery saleswoman were unfriendly, bad-tempered and stood unkempt and smelly behind the counter every morning, then I wouldn’t buy any more rolls from her either. It’s the same with an influencer who wants to sell me “THE PRODUCT OF THE YEAR” for the hundredth time, which will surely give me Aphrodite-like beauty and divine immortality overnight.

Instagram fitness model
Photo: Bojan89 – iStock

Real life doesn’t happen on Instagram

I am not writing this post to disparage anyone’s profession or even to insult anyone. Frustration or anger also play no role here. On the contrary, it is the desire for something “real”, a kind of self-therapy, so to speak. It is the search for people behind whose pictures one may suspect character and not strategy, for texts with depth and good background knowledge. It is the desire for wit and humor. And it’s the admission that real life still happens in the here and now – without retouching and without cheap product placements.

My new Instagram account

I’ve clearly seen enough beaches, dream bodies, and awkward sneak peeks.

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Mastermind oder Masterclass-Artikelbild

My pictures are also edited, they too may lack diversity somewhere or they simply do not please others. I always self-critically question myself before each post and weigh whether this image conveys a message or maybe it’s just beautiful and I’d like to share it with others. At least one thing I know for sure: they are real. The food was eaten afterwards and the feelings that should be transported are in every picture (and no, there were not 300 copies from which I had to choose beforehand).

Goodbye and hello Instagram. Thank you that I now get the chance to rediscover you again and look at interesting accounts: Because I want to, because the people have personality and character, transport feelings or want to convey a message.

I’m not following your recommendations anymore. I’m not your bitch, it’s my decision now. Share on X


What is your personal view on Instagram? Have you ever critically examined your own follower behavior? What might you have noticed?

You are a coach, trainer, entrepreneur or just a wonderful woman who is authentic, charismatic and inspiring, feel free to post your account!

About the author

Kinga Bartczak
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Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .

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