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8 tips on how to integrate more gratitude into your everyday life
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8 tips on how to integrate more gratitude into your everyday life

Veronika Gebertshammer

About the author

Veronika Gebertshammer
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Hey, my name is Veronika Gebertshammer and I am a qualified lawyer. After preparing for my exams for one and a half years, I felt mentally burnt out and unhappy. That was the starting point for me to deal with personality development: How do I become happy? When is one happy at all? How can I make sure that I am happy permanently and not just in phases? Does the life I am currently living really correspond to my dream life? All these questions drove me around and, among other things, my blog, my heart's project, was born out of this. On Coffeeandamore I want to inspire other young women who feel the same way I did back then to perceive life as a wonderful gift again. Because if I managed to become happy again and dance through my life, then you can do it too! 🙂 So on Coffeeandamore I show you my tools to find happiness and joy in life again. Feel free to visit!

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