Do you know it? One online meeting follows the next, each time you have to adjust to the relevant topics and participants. This can cost strength. By now, many people are well aware of the exhaustion caused by online meetings, the so-called “zoom fatigue”. According to recent studies, it affects women more often than men. The reason, he said, is increased “self-focused attention” – awareness of how you come across in a conversation.
Five types of video fatigue are distinguished
- Visual fatigue describes the stress on the eyes.
- Motivational fatigue means that we have little or no drive for other activities after the call is completed.
- Emotional fatigue is defined by a sense of overwhelm perceived as negative.
- Social fatigue includes the desire to be alone.
- Overall fatigue means a general feeling of exhaustion during and after video presence.
These stress symptoms associated with online meetings can occur individually or in combination. If you have experienced them too, know this: you are not alone. Of course, it will be difficult to pull ourselves out of these meetings completely, because they are, after all, a tool of the modern working world and also have their advantages. However, there are smart and efficient strategies we can use to prevent exhaustion through simple self-care.
Get ahead of Zoom Fatigue with these 10 tips
- Videos are an intense strain on the eyes. To reduce eye strain, you can shrink the video window from full screen to a smaller size. Ideally, use a keyboard other than the laptop keyboard to increase the physical distance to the screen.
- Seeing yourself constantly on the screen is unnatural, psychologically exhausting and can lead to increased self-criticism. To avoid this, you could choose a video setting where you only control your view at the beginning and then only see the other participants
- Movement promotes our ability to think. Constant screen time and conferences thus reduce our performance: The solution: An external camera can help to increase your distance to the screen so that you can move around the room during a conference . You can also turn off your video function for small but effective breaks in between.
- We often fall into brooding while another person is talking. With one ear, you’re in the conversation, but at the same time, you may feel like you’re being watched, thinking about your background image, exposure, tone, camera setting, or clothing. However, we are happier when we devote our full concentration to ONE thing. Are completely in the “here and now”.
- Focus on your breathing! Breathing creates a connection between the body and the psyche. With long, deep breaths you can relieve tension, stress and anxiety.
- Air out your home office regularly! Fresh oxygen automatically improves your ability to concentrate.
- Stay with you! Avoid comparing the video background or other details with those of other participants and slipping into the evaluation.
- In a sense, “Casual Friday” has been abolished online. In many companies, business outfits are the order of the day instead, in order to appear respectable in online meetings. How to mitigate: Schedule only phone meetings on Fridays or suggest this to the team. In some companies, the practice of “video conference-free Fridays” is already in place.
- How comfortable are you in your home office? What do you see when you lift your head? Make it as comfortable as possible for yourself: Just as you would set up a beautiful place for meditation that radiates peace, space and room – you should also make your home office your personal place of well-being.
- Communication is key: If you don’t feel comfortable with too many video meetings, it would be wise to address it directly with your managers and your colleagues. Point this out directly in the meeting if there is no relevant topic for you at the moment and you urgently need a break. Possibly take advantage of coaching or counseling as well.
- If you struggle with the online meeting culture in general, don’t just focus on the downsides, but regularly make yourself aware of the benefits of video conferencing: you gain time and flexibility, reduce travel to work and the stress of traffic jams or time pressure.
- Often one meeting follows the other, and half a day is gone. A tight schedule! What helps: Try to influence the meeting times and shorten the duration of a call to a maximum of 20 to 45 minutes, instead of the frequent 60 minutes. Plan buffer times between individual video appointments.
- Use the breaks between appointments actively: listen to music, close your eyes or shake your whole body. Do breathing exercises or look out the window. Find your individual solution that works for you. Share ideas with your colleagues to find the best ways to stay lively and creative.
Of course, whether video conferencing exhausts you also depends on your personality type. For introverts, online meetings may be more mentally demanding than for extroverts. You know yourself best – so ultimately, decide on your own individual self-care.
About Nicole Hobiger-Klimes
Ing. Mag. Nicole Hobiger-Klimes has been a business and leadership coach, mastermind facilitator and management consultant for 13 years. She is also a keynote speaker, columnist and expert on meditation and mindfulness. Her specialty: Silence Retreat 4 busy people
About the author
Ing. Mag. Nicole Hobiger-Klimes ist Business & Entscheidungs-Coachin, Mastermind-Moderatorin, Unternehmensberaterin und Speakerin. Ihr Spezialgebiet als Botschafterin der Stille: Silence Retreats for busy people. Früher hat die ehemalige Kampfsportlerin für die UN-Botschafterin und Menschenrechtsaktivistin Waris Dirie gearbeitet. Persönlich ist sie eine Mischung aus einem in sich ruhenden fernöstlichen Mönch und einer lautstarken westlichen Visionärin und Unternehmerin: Eine Frau, die dem Kaffee abgeschworen hat, Vegetarierin ist und keinen Fernseher hat. In ihrer Arbeit erforscht sie Innenschau, Visualisierungen/Deep Work und Selbstführung als Erfolgsfaktoren.
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