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Why selling is like falling in love – 4 dream sales tips for the self-employed
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Why selling is like falling in love – 4 dream sales tips for the self-employed

Kinga Bartczak

A guest post by Jana Diebold-Čakalić, founder and owner of SLOCO – Agency for Slow Content Marketing.

Are you one of those self-employed people who would rather hide under the covers as soon as the topic of selling comes up? Then this article with sales tips is for you. I want to show you that authentic selling can happen almost all by itself. Because actually selling is just like falling in love. And we all manage that intuitively. I have 4 dream sales tips for you that will help you manage to sell your offer online even more successfully.

Sales tip #1: Be happy with your business

Now be honest, which singer were you in love with when you were young? In Angelo Kelly? Or maybe in Robbie Williams? Why did your heart beat for him? Sure, because he can sing well. But why still?

Exactly, because both Angelo Kelly and Robbie Williams are confident! They exude great confidence and joy in what they do. And that has an attractive effect on other people.

Maybe you have a person in your circle of friends who seems confident and content to you. And maybe you feel positive towards this person. You just feel comfortable around this person. Who knows, maybe you’ve even been secretly in love with this person before.

No wonder, because satisfied people have a positive effect on others. And this also plays an important role in the professional context.

My sales tip #1 is: Be happy with your business! If you appear confident and satisfied with yourself, your skills and your work, this will rub off on your potential customers. They will want to be in your environment and thus automatically become more receptive to what you have to offer.

Sales tip #2: Meet lots of new people

It’s incredibly important that you meet more new people. Because not every contact you make online will automatically become a new customer. If you can only get new prospects/prospects every 6 months, that’s not enough to increase your sales.

Basically, it’s similar to falling in love: sometimes you get to know a person, find them likeable and attractive, but still don’t fall in love with them right away.

It’s similar with selling: some people come across you and your business by chance on the Internet, find your offer interesting and valuable, but still don’t buy it.

Because maybe they don’t have any money to spare right now. Or they have just had a baby, are now on parental leave and simply have other worries.

Whatever the reason is that they are not buying your offer at the moment: You need to make sure that you meet lots of new potential customers on a regular basis.

Because only a fraction of them will actually end up booking your service or buying your product.

By the way, in content marketing you have countless opportunities to draw attention to yourself and your business.

Here are 3 concrete examples:

1. become visible with your blog

The best way to draw attention to yourself and your business on the Internet is through your blog. With a blog, you can regularly attract new readers, solidify your expert status, and inspire confidence in your community.

If you publish new blog posts regularly over a long period of time, your readers will get used to it. They will keep coming back to your blog to read your helpful posts. Their trust in you as an expert grows and they become receptive to what you have to offer over time.

2. allow private insights with Instagram

If you’re comfortable with social media, you can quickly make a lot of new contacts on Instagram. To do this, you should publish a post about your topic at least 4-5 times a week that adds value and attracts attention. This way you will be able to build up a fan base over time and you will automatically receive new requests.

3. get organic traffic with Pinterest

Pinterest is a search engine for images. However, you can also generate traffic to your website on Pinterest with a text-heavy business (like mine, for example). For this, the headlines of your pins should be short, clear and interesting. At best, you should post at least 10 pins a day, about 80% of which should be third-party content and 20% of which should be your own. By the way, with the automation tool tailwind you save a lot of time.

4. forward all new contacts to your email list

It doesn’t matter if you attract people to your business through a strong Google ranking, Instagram or Pinterest.

You should always pursue a certain goal: Direct your new contacts to your newsletter distribution list!

You should definitely build your own email list as a self-employed person, because when you take the next step in your content marketing in the future, you’ll have that email list to fall back on.

It is to the contacts on this list that you will ultimately sell your offer most successfully. How to do that, you ask? It’s simple: with a limited time sales phase, with a launch that you do through your email list.

Article image sales tips for the self-employed
Photo: Carl Raw – unsplash

Sales tip #3: Stand by your entrepreneurial interest

It is the most important topic of a self-employment: selling. Because without selling, there is no turnover and no more self-employment.

But women in particular often have difficulties with selling their offer: They feel uncomfortable as soon as it goes into the sales conversation and this uncertainty naturally rubs off on their counterpart. The conversation or negotiations get a stale taste and the sale probably does not take place.

To prevent this from happening to you, you should show your potential customers your entrepreneurial interest in them right from the start.

For a better understanding, imagine now your last partner and your phase of the first meetings!

Surely you gave your chosen one unmistakable signs at the time that clearly showed your emotional interest in him, didn’t you? How else would he have known about your intentions to meet him?

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You should behave the same way in your professional communication!

My sales tip #3: Communicate your business interest to your potential customers. Talk openly about your offerings, list your prices, and be natural about it. Your prospects will sense your confidence and receive it positively.

Sales tip #4: You want it, but you don’t need it!

I know, that could be a line from Sex and the City:

Carrie, you need to show him that you want him, but not that you need him!

Yes, what Samantha could have advised her friend in Sex and the City, I would also like to give you as a tip:

Openly show your prospects that you want them as customers!

But don’t show them that you need them as clients/customers!

Because they feel this despair. And then they’ll want to get out of the way rather than work with you.

My sales tip #4 is to openly show your potential clients/customers that you want them. Stand by your business interest in them. Speak confidently about your offer and honestly offer to help them with their problem.


Selling is an emotional process – just like falling in love. Whether we people buy something, we decide in advance with our emotions, later we check the facts first. Therefore, in order for you to successfully sell your offer online, you should learn to rely on your intuition again. Then you will automatically behave correctly in sales conversations. Selling is like falling in love – and you don’t do that by following a plan, but by letting it happen.

Money is like a shy deer, if you chase it, it will hide from you. But if you rely on your skills and the quality of your offer and talk about it openly, honestly and calmly with your potential customers, the money will find its way to you all by itself.

By the way, on 13.01.2021 my brand-new and free group challenge VerkaufsVergnügen starts. If you want to learn how to sell your offer online with system in 5 days, click on the link and sign up today:

Jana Diebold
Photo: Jana Diebold

Hi, I’m Jana Diebold, freelance copywriter and blogger. And I help independents present themselves as experts online with valuable content, with emotion, and with tactics to better connect with their audience. To my website

About the author

Kinga Bartczak
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Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .

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