A guest article from Haufe [Advertisement].
A progressive and innovative human resources system affects the long-term success of any company. Since this area encompasses the targeted deployment of personnel, it plays a decisive role in determining the targeted interaction of people and their tasks. If we take a closer look at the various areas of responsibility of HR departments, the importance of HR becomes clear:
- Managing recruitment, selection and promotion of staff
- Develop, promote and enforce human resources policies
- Promotion of professional development and training
- Provide orientation programs for new hires
- Provide guidance on disciplinary actions
- Contact persons in case of injuries or accidents at the workplace.
- Personnel development as a strategic and operational task
- Strengthening the corporate culture
Today, human resources is also often described by the terms personnel management, personnel economics or human resource management (HR). With these different designations, a greater differentiation also comes into play with regard to HR approaches (e.g., corporate agility organization by Granados/Erhardt, the run-and-change model by Jochmann and Asgarian, or the transformation HRM model by Bösch/Mölleney). No matter which model your company adopts, more and more organizations are rightly placing a greater focus on HR, as it has enormous potential and good HR creates many benefits.
But what can modern personnel management look like? We have summarized 5 helpful and ambitious tips.
1. use digitization
The rapidly advancing digitalization holds countless opportunities – some of them also in human resources. One keyword here is a so-called “digital personnel file”. In this, all important documents of employees can be collected and additionally individual personnel information can be stored.
The software for a digital personnel file can be connected to any ERP system without any problems and is enormously easy to use. Digital personnel files make the infamous paperwork obsolete and everything important can be found out in just a few clicks. In addition, a digital file provides targeted support in order to work in a structural and person-focused manner. The process status can be viewed digitally at any time and employees are automatically reminded of important deadlines and events.
Another aspect is the topic of safety in the personnel area. When it comes to archiving personnel data and ensuring audit compliance, the digital personnel file is the right step.
2. personnel planning with overview
The world around companies is in a constant and continuous state of change. For HR management, this means that it can only be effective if it acts with foresight. HR leaders need to be aware of what expertise is available and what activities and talent will be needed in the future. With a holistic overview, the need for experts in different areas can be identified and met in time. If companies only notice bottlenecks at short notice, this leads to major problems. Therefore, use a skills matrix or a talent monitor, conduct regular employee interviews and include all soft and hard skills in personnel planning.
3. exploit the potential of employees
Employees are the capital of every company. It is therefore enormously important that they always stay up to date through training and continuing education. Through new knowledge and the acquisition of additional qualifications, they continue to develop – and the company with them.
At present, many companies also like to assign important positions internally. Employees know the company and identify with its values. In HR, therefore, an eye should definitely be kept on which employees may be suitable for certain positions. In this way, you simultaneously increase the development opportunities and morale of your team while increasing individual self-efficacy.
4. maximum return on investment from human resources
Of course, companies are always about return on investment. For maximum return on investment, an HR department must, firstly, play a part in modernizing a company – for example, in the form of tools for data analysis and strategic workforce planning. In addition, attractive working conditions for employees must be ensured. In order to support the change, the HR department must also make its own processes more flexible and continuously modernize them.
5. creating a future-oriented corporate culture
The HR department, together with the top management of a company, should work out a strong and above all also future-oriented corporate culture. Employees play a central role in this, which is why human resources management is also steadily gaining in importance.
In order to promote this trend in one’s own company, there are many different prerequisites that have to do with digital possibilities and many other factors. In order to strategically assert oneself in this field, it can therefore be advantageous to work together with strong partners who know their way around HR. This is the case, for example, with the service provider Haufe.
If you want to create a culture of security, innovation and strategic development opportunities in HR, you should exploit the possibilities of digital support in a targeted manner.
A strong partnership at eye level is always an advantage here, so that personnel management does not become a burden, but a cultural task to which every company would like to devote itself with pleasure.
About the author
Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .
- Kinga Bartczakhttps://femalexperts.com/en/author/kinga-bartczak/
- Kinga Bartczakhttps://femalexperts.com/en/author/kinga-bartczak/
- Kinga Bartczakhttps://femalexperts.com/en/author/kinga-bartczak/
- Kinga Bartczakhttps://femalexperts.com/en/author/kinga-bartczak/