“Somehow we’ve forgotten that leadership is everybody’s business.”
This inner conflict between leading and not being bossy: Combining a woman’s elegance with the position at the top is not as complex as it sounds at first. Entrepreneurship is female because women create and create.
“But he did start the fire!”
“It’s not for women.”
How many times have we heard this before? In technology, soccer and – oh yes – in leadership positions. But the more time goes by, the more I realize: leadership is a woman’s business. When we review history, we encounter countless women who have done great things and changed the world. From Cleopatra to Marie Curie to female heads of state. So why is there still this prejudice that women are less capable of taking on leadership roles?
It is a true wonder to observe how differently men and women function in brain biology alone. A different perception, a different form of impulse control or processing of impressions – women are absolutely centered, focused and at the same time emotional in their position when they become aware.
The knowledge of the elemental force within us strengthens management, because negotiating skills and gentleness meet analytical skills – also in the management of people.
The ability to listen
Let’s start with an important character trait that is often dismissed as typically female: listening. A leader who listens can better understand their team’s needs, gather constructive feedback, and make more targeted decisions. And, dear readers, who among us has not heard the phrase, “You’re not listening!” in a discussion (or argument)? Listening is an art, and we women are often masters of it.
Empathy and intuition
Empathy is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. In a world driven by facts and figures, it is often the interpersonal relationships that make the difference. A leader who can empathize with others not only builds deeper relationships, but is also better able to respond to challenges and anticipate problems. Our intuition, often ridiculed, is actually a powerful tool.
The courage to be vulnerable
We live in a time when authenticity and honesty are increasingly valued. People want to see real personalities, not masked puppets. The ability to show weakness once in a while and to talk about one’s own mistakes creates trust and a climate in which everyone dares to contribute.
Balance between work and family
The perennial debate about balancing family and career shows: Women are masters at keeping several balls in the air at the same time. This ability to prioritize, delegate and maintain an overview is essential in leadership positions.
Dear readers, I don’t mean to suggest that men can’t have these skills as well. But in a world where diversity and inclusion are increasingly important, we should be proud of what we have to offer as women. Not a single one of us ever needs to hide because others expect us to.
Leadership is definitely women’s business because femininity is often also conciliatory and soothing. And it is high time that we not only know this, but also live and celebrate it. Women create and create – looking behind the facades is worthwhile, because sovereignty arises precisely when you recognize yourself in your position and crown your strong appearance outside with strong self-management.
With the courage to change and the power of femininity!
About the author
Schön, dass Du da bist! Ich bin Alexandra und ich bin eine Weltenwandlerin. Ich verbinde mehr als zwanzig Jahre Erfahrungen als Führungskraft und Projektleiterin in der Wirtschaft in Deutschland und in Ausland im Bereich strategischer Marken- und Marketingkommunikation mit der Welt der modernen Psychotherapie & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Heute bin ich in meiner eigenen Praxis für mehr Lebendigkeit mit lebendigMACHER in der Online und der Offline-Welt tätig. Aktuell bin ich im Auftrag der Liebe unterwegs und begleite Frauen in eine langfristig erfüllte Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe.
Mentorin für Lebens- und Liebesglück
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