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Street Philosophy: A different perspective on society
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Street Philosophy: A different perspective on society

Kinga Bartczak

Julia Kalmund (right) and Nina Schmid (left)

A guest post by Julia Kalmund, Street Philosophy

Being an entrepreneur has nimbus and brings prestige. But how to become a successful entrepreneur is the “million dollar” question.

One is encouraged to become a founder. Start-ups are publicly supported; there are courses, tax breaks and creative areas with preferential rent. But do these factors really matter?

Aren’t the idea and the vision the essence of later success? If you only follow trends, jump on already moving trains, stay mainstream, then you miss the opportunity to be truly innovative and satisfy future needs.

Women have the necessary sensitivity and they are not afraid of gut feelings to look at society from a different angle. Business ideas that are not only the basis for a successful company, but also take into account fundamental aspects of a well-functioning, moral coexistence for man and nature, are not opposites, but prerequisites for their projects. Women want success, want this success to be rewarded financially. But they also know that many good ideas end up as buzzwords. They know that sustainability can be more than just a useful certification. They feel that female characteristics must not be exhausted in feminism and quotas.

It’s easy to think that we already consume too much, that we all already have it all, have too much of everything. Women are in pole position to raise awareness of what is still missing in society, what leads to dissatisfaction, frustration and being unhappy. They know what ‘gets to’ other women. And this is precisely where we should start in order to develop new business ideas.

A look at the normal daily routine of a woman with “her” obstacles, small and big mishaps, is a treasure chest for start-ups, new apps and new tools in everyday life. It doesn’t have to be the company that makes a million dollars in the first year. It can also be the support on how to live a good life, how to have better relationships, how to rethink, how to live your values.

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So perhaps the first step of entrepreneurship is to analyze your frustrations and develop sensitivity to where you are unhappy. There is a lot of potential in analytics for ideas around which to develop apps and start companies.

This look at oneself, the art of asking questions and approaching everyday life in a more open and relaxed way is what Street Philosophy is all about. Develop an awareness of life’s possibilities through a different perspective on society….

Street Philosophy

About the author

Kinga Bartczak
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Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .

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