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Money or love – or why love leads to more money…
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Money or love – or why love leads to more money…

Kinga Bartczak

A guest contribution by Nicole Rupp, Germany’s first female money coach with her own brand Geldbeziehung® and speaker at the Feminess Business Congress

“Lucky at play – unlucky in love” – is one of the choices we have known since childhood. Such ‘knowledge’ unconsciously shapes our approach to money. Because we learned early on that you can’t have everything.

And if you believe these beliefs, then surely you have already collected enough confirmations that this is the case, right?

It would be downright impertinent to want more. Since we are already doing so well…

Knowing that we cannot do without love and that happiness cannot be bought, we therefore unconsciously opt for the seemingly golden mean. And thus remain below our possibilities, miss out on living up to our potential or head for burnout in a seemingly safe profession.

Break through your barriers

‘Deficient’ money thinking always creates one thing: scarcity. And with it, of course, stress.

If one’s thinking in either-or categories is never questioned, a barrier to growth can arise internally – a glass ceiling that limits both long-possible success and greater fulfillment.

What does that look like for you:

  • How do you think about money?
  • How important is money to you? And for what exactly?
  • What is your money AND love balance?
  • In which areas of your life do you feel a tingling: There’s still something there!

Wanting more is nowhere near as outrageous as we have been taught. Exactly the opposite is true: The urge to develop is a basic human need. Stagnation thus leads to frustration rather than fulfillment.

“There’s more!”

Money HeroinesNo matter where you are and how successful you already are: Your soul will thank you in any case if you continue to develop and evolve and courageously follow this call for ‘There’s still something there!

What is essential here is that it is not about socially imposed goals or the categorical need to have even more. This would be lack thinking again, which reinforces the feeling of lack.
It’s about something much more precious: trusting your inner knowing, paying attention to your true wants and needs, and realizing legitimate dreams and vision. It’s about your fulfilling advancement. This is tangible fullness, free of any lack. This is gratitude, free of any self-satisfaction, because… one already has enough… many others are worse off, etc. etc.

Instilled ‘shame’ with money limits and influences women immensely. Not only in the area of money, but in all aspects of life. The only thing that shows is that women too often give in when it comes to money, earning less and demanding less instead of confidently and confidently selling themselves for what they are: valuable.

Start dreaming again

Learn again what you already knew as a child: To take life (and money) not so seriously, but instead your needs and what nourishes your soul! Think big again and start dreaming again! Very gently.

Do you think it is possible that even more success and love are possible? Without any pressure, simply out of love.

That perhaps success – in any relationship – grows with and through more love? As if by itself…

Do you fancy your well-deserved MORE?! More (financial) success and more love?!

See Also

Then have fun dreaming and believing in your long-deserved more and enjoying your further journey with a positive attitude and consistent abundance thinking!

„Wahrer Erfolg, ist das was folgt, indem Du Dir selbst folgst!“ Share on X

True success is always born of love. By following ourselves, listening to our heart and acting in accordance with our values. This is pure pleasure. Fulfillment.

Allow the success

False modesty, on the other hand, is not a virtue, but often the result of fear or lack of self-worth.

So the question is: Do you love yourself enough to allow yourself more success and love?

It is your life. Your development. Your trip.

Lots of money and love – in every respect,

Nicole RuppNicole Rupp is Germany’s first female money coach with her own brand Geldbeziehung®.. She holds a degree in business administration, is a systemic coach and was active for several years in the financial sector and as an independent financial advisor. In addition to her work as a coach and consulting expert, the mother of two children leads seminars and online courses and is the author of non-fiction books, including “Wer spart, verliert – Glück und Geld ins Leben holen” (Whoever Saves Loses – Bringing Happiness and Money into Life), as well as various contributions to magazines, radio and television. She is a board member of the educational initiative “MONEY with sense!“.

You can find more information about Nicole Rupp and the topic of money relations at,,

About the author

Kinga Bartczak
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Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .

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