Women’s business: Starting a business II

Together with the Bundesverband der Freien Berufe e. V. (BFB), we want to support women who are considering starting a business. Get your free ticket now for our two Web Conventions on the topic: Women’s Business: Starting a Business.

Women face different hurdles than men in making the leap into self-employment

More women than men take the plunge into self-employment in the group of liberal professions. With a share of 52.8% of a total of 88,360 freelance start-ups in 2020, women are ahead of the field here. In general, the willingness to start a business in Germany is declining massively. Germany is ranked 41st in terms of start-up intensity out of 43 countries in the world. The desire for security and fear of failure keeps too many people from going into self-employment. However, the German economy needs the innovations and dynamism that come from more start-ups. Women are now very well educated, they score better on exams on average, working is a matter of course and an important part of self-fulfillment. However, when dealing with the topic of switching to self-employment, women still have different prerequisites and also hurdles than men. External as well as internal.

Germany needs even more founders!

Together with the Bundesverband der Freien Berufe e. V. (BFB), we would therefore like to support women who are specifically considering the path to self-employment and setting up a business, and are planning two web conventions on this topic.


17. March 2022


14:30 - 18:30

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EMOTION Publishing House Ltd.
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