Talk Round: Professional, Creative and Poor – Gender Pay Gap in the Cultural Sector

In 2016, a study initiated by Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters came to the conclusion that women in the culture and media sector are disadvantaged in several respects. Over a period of more than 20 years, the study examined, among other things, the educational situation, the presence of women in leadership positions, and the participation of women artists in funding. The gender pay gap for female freelance artists was over 20 percent. Even five years later, this has not changed much, so there can be no talk of gender equality.

The low income of cultural workers is also related to the lack of attention and appreciation of their achievements in the arts and culture sector and in society. There is also an urgent need for action for employees in the creative industries. The German Cultural Council has therefore presented a comprehensive list of demands.

You are cordially invited to discuss this current topic with experts in the field of art and culture and to find constructive solutions.


07. March 2022


19:00 - 21:00

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belladonna Culture, Education and Economy for Women e.V.
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