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Become an artist with ArtNight
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Become an artist with ArtNight

Kinga Bartczak

I was thrilled when I received a request to do an interview with Aimie-Sarah Henze about her latest project, ArtNight. You can read the answers to my questions here:

1. Ms. Henze, most working people today are very stressed and often suffer from the strict expectations of our society. What added value can art create for these people?

Creativity is something that is in all of us! It has been proven that when we grow up, we lose some of the ease in creativity. Perhaps because the offer to simply be creative again is missing? At ArtNight, we give back and bring our guests together with local and talented artists in a great atmosphere in bars and restaurants. These motivate and guide them to just paint away to create their own work of art. Fun is absolutely the focus here.

The great feedback of the first months has shown: This brings joy to many. People rediscover their creativity that has long since fallen asleep, are in company – so they also get to meet new people and simply enjoy a nice evening, away from strict expectations, perfection or any pressure. It’s a nice (offline) balance to our often stressful and digitally driven daily lives.

ArtNight woman with artwork
Whether the last time you painted was in school or you draw regularly in your spare time, you’ll get a great result every time at ArtNight.

2) Is there a role model or concept that inspires you in your daily work with the project?

We ourselves have developed various concepts together with artists and have always worked on creating the “secret formula” for the perfect combination of experience, entertainment and creativity. We are always evolving, each artist brings their own charm – that’s why there is no classic role model or concept for us. The most important thing is that our guests are delighted.

3. in May 2015, they founded the successful cross-sector community with the eponymous blogazine for female empowerment called FIELFALT. What made you decide to devote yourself entirely to art a year later?

I am not an artist myself, but our team is passionate about bringing people together and using creativity to create a unique experience. My job has changed little as a result. I built FIELFALT on the side while managing a team at a large media company. Today, I’m an entrepreneur myself, we run a startup, and I continue to be involved with FIELFALT.

4. the ArtNight sounds like an exclusive event for talented artists, also the artworks offered on your site look very professional. Would you also recommend participation to beginners for whom art has so far only been associated with a visit to a museum?

ArtNight is for everyone and absolutely not exclusive. Talented artists lead our workshops and are rarely the guests :). The motifs that are created in one evening are especially designed so that the person who painted the last time in school or the one who paints regularly in her spare time will get a great result. But: as mentioned above, it’s about the experience itself and who can judge art by good or bad? It’s about everyone themselves being proud of what they’ve created or just having fun.

ArtNight and bachelorette party
At an ArtNight, everyone gets their money’s worth. A bachelorette party lends itself to this, of course.

5. how can I imagine a typical ArtNight?

The ArtNights take place as an open format in bars and restaurants. Under the guidance of a local artist and within 2 hours, our guests create their own work of art in a group of 25 people, which they can then take home including the memory of a beautiful evening.

6. how can I participate in an ArtNight and do I have to equip myself with special equipment for this?

All materials are included in the ticket price, you don’t have to set up or take down anything.

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You book a ticket for an ArtNight online on our website in advance of the event. You choose your city, the motif you would like to paint and then you do not have to worry about anything else.

7. in which cities is the ArtNight offered so far?

ArtNight is currently offered in 13 cities in Germany: Berlin, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Bonn, Bielefeld, Kiel, Hanover, Mannheim, Düsseldorf, Hamburg. However, we will continue to expand in the coming weeks.

8 Finally, I would like to ask you about a concept for the future. What changes are coming in the next 5 years for you, your co-founder Mr. David Neisinger and your joint project ArtNight?

Our goal is to be the largest creative experiences company in Europe, creatively connecting thousands of people in cities large and small. In the future, the focus will not only be on painting, as in the first series of events. ArtNight plans experiences with creative handicrafts, the joint creation of small design elements for the home, but also themes on music or literature. By 2018, ArtNight will expand to about 50 cities – so the ArtNight community keeps growing!

Thank you for the great interview and the inspiration that there is an artist slumbering in all of us.

Instagram: Art Night
Twitter Aimie-Sarah Henze:

About the author

Kinga Bartczak
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Kinga Bartczak advises, coaches and writes on female empowerment, new work culture, organizational development, systemic coaching and personal branding. She is also the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH and publisher of the FemalExperts magazine .

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