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5 steps that will immediately help you to attract new customers
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5 steps that will immediately help you to attract new customers

Christina Bodendieck
5 Schritte, die dir sofort bei der Kundengewinnung weiter helfen-Artikelbild

The topic of acquiring new clients is a challenge for every solo service provider, consultant and coach to face if we want to make our business grow.

Today, it is no longer enough to perform well or develop a great product.

We also need to sell it in order to grow our business and survive in the marketplace.

Do you know it?

You set out to attract new female clients to your offering and then all of a sudden you think of 1000 things you’d rather do than actually sit down and start attracting clients.

You have thoughts going through your head like:

  • I don’t want to be intrusive!
  • I don’t want to have to sell myself!
  • I don’t know what my first step is.
  • I don’t know what my customer wants to hear.
  • I don’t know how to generate interest.

Maybe you have already tried a lot of things to attract new customers to you and your offer, but have not yet achieved the desired results.

Many solo entrepreneurs find customer acquisition and sales difficult and stressful because they encounter internal barriers that prevent them from appearing relaxed and confident in the initial meeting or sales call.

What you can do to make it easier to attract female customers to you and your offer.

I’ll show you 5 steps here that will immediately help you generate more interest in your offer and make it easier to sell.

“What goes through your mind when you think about customer acquisition and sales?”

I often ask this question at the beginning of my workshops. In response comes predominantly, the fear of rejection that the potential customer might say NO.

It is important to realize that your customer is not saying NO to you, but only at that moment to the offer you are making.

This can change again after a short time.

What you can do before you launch into your acquisition or sales call:

1. put yourself in a good mood

In my first consultations with customers, I often hear that a lot of thought is given to what the customer might think during the acquisition meeting, but it is just as important to keep in mind the value that the offered product brings to the market.

Be aware of the value you offer your customer.

Even in an initial conversation, you help clarify their situation.

Be clear about what your customer is getting from you.

What path did you take yourself to get there?

What experience and what strategies have you gained from this that your customers benefit from today?

With this perspective, you immediately get on eye level with your customer before you start into your customer conversation.

Look at your strengths, what do you bring to the customer contact or to your initial interview.

2. bring your offer to the point

Your customer can only buy what she understands.

The clearer you formulate what your customer will achieve by working with you, the faster you will arouse interest in your offer.

The first question your customer asks herself when you go into contact with her is: What’s in it for me?

You need the right answer as concretely as possible, with a solution for your customer.

What you can do?

Take your customer’s perspective and show her that you understand the challenges she faces.

If your conversation partner feels picked up, she is willing to follow you in the conversation and is open to listen to your solution.

Describe how your client benefits from working with you. What changes for her and what concrete result she can expect after working with you. Formulate this as concretely as possible so that it is tangible and bookable for your customer.

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3. what helps you score with your customers

First, clarify for yourself who you want to work with.

What kind of people are they? You can use a customer avatar as a guide to have a guardrail. Also pay attention to what makes a good collaboration for you. It is often the case that our target customers are similar to us.

If you know exactly who you want to work for and what exactly your offer is, you can now see what kind of approach suits you and your clients well.

4. develop your personal strategy

You can have the greatest offer, if your customers don’t know about it, you won’t sell it.

What you need is a strategy to attract female customers to you and your offer on a regular basis. For this reason, I recommend that you look closely at what you are comfortable with in order to build rapport and trust in what you have to offer.

Do you like to talk?

Then a podcast or video might be ideal for you.

Do you like to write?

Then a blog or guest article could be a way to draw attention to you and what you have to offer.

Or is it something different for you? What do you enjoy?

Choose a channel through which to address your target female customers, in your own words. That’s how you build a bridge to your customers.

Pick up on specific issues your clients are facing, in the form of a blog article, podcast or video, so you can show that you understand what their challenges are and can demonstrate your solutions. Show yourself regularly, as it takes an average of 7-9 impulses for someone who doesn’t know you yet to become aware of you and your offer.

5. offer a sample

Your customers need to know that you exist and what you have to offer. To increase your visibility and make the hurdle for your clients as low as possible, you can offer them a sample of your offer or product, a morsel from your portfolio. To do this, orient yourself to the needs and challenges of your customers. This is how you attract prospects who are interested in your solution and at the same time you position yourself as or expert on your topic.

Here is the overview of customer acquisition basics for your individual strategy:

  1. Think carefully about who you want to work for. Who is your target customer? What challenges does it face?
  2. Have your offer clear in mind, what exactly do you offer your customers? Which solution does your customer benefit from when working with you?
  3. Speak to your customer at eye level. Formulate your offer from the customer’s point of view and speak and write in your own words, this way you build trust and show yourself authentic and distinctive.
  4. Consider which acquisition & marketing tools are an ideal fit for you and your customer. Develop your personal strategy to reach your customers on a regular basis.
  5. Stay tuned. Focus on a topic with which you are regularly visible, as it takes an average of 7-9 impulses for someone who does not yet know you to become aware of you and your offer.

You finally want to get started?

Here you will find 3 free online trainings that will help you attract more customers and generate higher sales:

About the author

Christina Bodendieck
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