My burnout event picture

Workshop: My burnout

As a family member, friend or colleague, how do you deal with someone who is experiencing burnout?

In this workshop I will introduce you to what exactly burnout is, how it is experienced by those affected and I will talk about my own burnout: What triggered it? How did that feel? What has helped me?

We also talk about concrete options for you – to support someone who is suffering from burnout!

And of course we also take a look at the 7 pillars of resilience and how you can deal with challenging situations in your life and protect yourself.

The workshop lasts 90 minutes and the course fee is 35 euros plus VAT. VAT also includes documentation of the workshop content for reference.

That sounds like the right format for you, then sign up directly below!


13. August 2024


17:00 - 18:30


41,65 €

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