
Business Creator Summit 2023 by Diana zur Löwen & Sarah Emmerich

The first LinkedIn Creator Summit 2022 was a great success. To create even more impact for budding personal brands, we’re kicking it up a notch with the Business Creator Summit in 2023!

300 marketers, founders & co. come together for one day in Berlin to learn Personal Branding & Content Creation first hand from successful thought leaders, exchange ideas with like-minded people & network – the perfect mix of conference & networking!

The day will be rounded off by a unique Pitch Night, where talents from the Gründer:innen scene can present their know-how and win a “Business Creator Award”.

Yes, everyone is welcome: The event is aimed at newbies who want to get started with personal branding as well as active personal brands & creators who want to learn more.

Your hosts:

Diana zur Löwen has been known as a creator for over 10 years and now reaches over 40,000 LinkedIn followers and 1 million people on Instagram. As a business angel she invests in startups, is a founder herself (melationship) and inspires with her personal brand every day on topics like business, sustainability or female empowerment.

Sarah Emmerich is the agency founder of Emmerich Relations and reaches over 41,000 people on LinkedIn as an expert in influencer marketing, personal branding & Gen Z. Through her own personal brand, Sarah built her agency and serves clients such as Hyundai Germany and RECUP with her team.

Our preliminary program on June 15, 2023:

10:00 – 13:00 – Start of the conference & presentations (part 1)

13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch Together (directly on site)

14:00 – 16:00 – Presentations & Panel Talks (Part 2)

16:00 – 17:00 – Networking & Event Check Out

17:00 – 19:30 – Dinner Time (time for dinner, outfit change & Co.)

20:00 – 22:00 – Pitch Night: “Business Creator Awards

What else you can look forward to:

> Goodie bag with added value

> Shoot Your Profile Picture: At our photo station you can have your new profile picture shot & edited by a photographer for free & professionally!

> Lunch Break for networking: Your lunch is included & available directly on site!

We are looking forward to meeting you,

Yours Diana & Sarah


15. June 2023


10:00 - 22:00

More Info

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Malt factory
Bessemerstrasse 2-14, 12103 Berlin


Emmerich Relations Ltd.
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