Free Loved Business Challenge

Invitation to the Free Loved Business Challenge!

Be there on all days!

Log in here:

After you sign up, you will also have the opportunity to participate in our evening Zoom Calls. Of course, you can also “just” be there for the Lives, which take place daily at 11 a.m. on LinkedIn.

Who are you?

You are a creative rebel, spiritual soul and inspired soulpreneur. Maybe also a creative rebel and inspired soulpreneur who wishes to live her female parts in business more.

With your work you go your own and new ways.
Now it’s time to discover your soul-inspired and liberated inner expression for your business and become visible with it.

Yes, you want an external image that reflects the value and depth of your business!

Real and true with infinite energy from which you attract your future Soul clients. Without bending yourself.

And you want to earn good money with your work. That’s why you need ideas for your individually liberated business and marketing that fits you and supports you in your daily work, so you have more time for the things in life you love.


  • The challenge will take place live via YouTube and Zoom over a period of 3 days.
  • The live trainings will take place each day at 11 a.m. on YouTube, and the Q&A sessions will take place at 6 p.m. each day.
  • Records will be made available during the challenge period!

You will receive from me…

  • every day an email with all the necessary info, so you don’t miss anything,
  • valuable insights into my own Free Loved Business strategy that you can replicate to help you run your business from your inner abundance,
  • the possibility to ask me all your questions during the 3 days to free your business approach from the depths so that you can breathe freely again and make your business shine
  • and my most secret procedures, which I use successfully for my own business!

The contents of the Challenge

Day 1: Your shining soul branding
You feel yourself creating your glowing soul branding from the depths that attracts new soul customers to you.

Day 2: Your energy in marketing
You now know how to keep your energy at the highest frequency on a daily basis so that as a Soulpreneur you experience deep fulfillment and genuine resonance from your Soul clients.

Day 3: New customer inquiries with ease
You have a new strategy for how to holistically execute your daily online marketing with ease so that new soul customers will inquire with you.

Log in here:

I look forward to seeing you!
Yours Anna


04. - 06. March 2022


11:00 - 19:00

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To the Challenge


To the Challenge
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