Female Innovators Conference2024-Weltfrauentag-Eventbild

Female Innovator’s Conference 2024 – International Women’s Day

Female Innovator’s Conference, March 7-8, 2023 – Königstein i.Ts.

The internet is full of motivational opportunities – from TED Talks, podcasts or, or, or, but personal encounters and exchanges with like-minded people create a very special energy.

For this reason, we are organizing a live conference on 7 and 8 March 2024, the next International Women’s Day, at the BOLD Campus in Königstein on the topic of “Female Innovation”. We want to increase the visibility of female innovators, offer networking opportunities and inspire and encourage visitors to go their own way with outstanding speakers.

  • Anja Odenthal, Clever Match
  • Anna Banicevic, Zizoo
  • Aparna Veer, Zefyron
  • Birgit Hass, Investment Exchange
  • Daniela Grumbach, BEYOS
  • Dr. Tina Ruseva, mentessa
  • Fiona Ruff, 2030
  • Jeannette Okwu, influencer
  • Jeanette Bouffier, Teresa AI
  • Madeleine von Hohenthal, Bracenet
  • Monika Mader, Finances
  • Rica Bredthauer, recreact

and others.

Be there when innovation becomes female! – We look forward to seeing you!


07. - 08. March 2024


18:30 - 17:30

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Bold Campus
Ölmühlweg 65, 61462 Königstein im Taunus
Female Innovators Club


Female Innovators Club
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