Female Founders Festival Hamburg-Event picture

Female Founders Festival Hamburg

Foundations! Networking! Feel good!

The name says it all, because you can expect a unique mix of great speakers, exciting founder stories, brilliant partners, a networking deluxe offer and new impulses and tips for your start-up.

Between and during the talks, you will always have the opportunity to network with great start-up partners, get advice or enjoy delicious drinks.

You can find all the information about our events on the website www.femalefoundersfestival.de. Just click on the city and you will see when we are at which location and which programs we have planned for you.

  1. Day Conference (11 a.m. – 6 p.m.) Design Office Hamburg
    1st day dinner incl. Keynotes (18:30 – 21:30) Design Office Hamburg
  2. Day workshops (11 a.m. – 3 p.m.) Foodlab Hamburg

If you cannot afford the ticket for any reason, please contact team@whoin.de. We will be happy to help you.

  1. Day


We start with our classic. Kati (Decker), Viola (Beuscher), Julia (Neuen) and Valerie (Krämer) talk about their start-up ideas and how they developed them.

Ready to take off: Successful digital strategies for female founders

Clare from “folgerichtig” reveals a few tricks for digital strategies online. The main aim is to make relevant topics more visible and build communities. Her focus is on Instagram.

What would I do again and again?

Luisa (Haxel) doesn’t talk about things she would rather not have done, but motivates us with facts that she would do exactly the same again and again.

Accelerator Programs

What are accelerator programs? What are the differences? What programs are available and what can you use them for?

A large portion of motivation

Matze (Henze) will inspire us to pursue our goals and overcome obstacles. He will share his personal experiences with us and tell us some motivating stories.

How do I find the right financing?

Christine (Rittner), Tobias (Seikel), Katja (Eller),… offer us insights and practical advice on suitable financing options. They will cover various aspects and also address the evaluation of different sources of financing.

Does an advisory board help to avoid mistakes after the start-up?

Jenny (Gruner) and Miriam (van Straelen) shed light on the role and benefits of an advisory board for founders. In their interview, they show us how a qualified advisory board can help to improve strategic decisions, minimize risks and avoid entrepreneurial mistakes.

Keynote Sara Nuru

Sara Nuru is an entrepreneur, model, speaker and author. In 2018, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) appointed her as an ambassador for fair trade. Sara has always followed her heart – whether as a model in global campaigns or in her parents’ home country. She has the courage to make things happen: with her social business nuruCoffee and the association nuruWomen e.V., she contributes to equal opportunities for people in Ethiopia. Sara’s main aim is to inspire girls and women around the world to trust their inner strength and go their own way.

We look forward to seeing YOU!

WHO:IN & 50 50 OMR


23. - 24. February 2024


11:00 - 16:00


158,19 €

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Design Offices Hamburg Hammerbrook
Sachsenstraße 20, 20097 Hamburg


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