Female Founders ConferenceCamp #3

Digitally, the last two ConferenceCamps were already pretty great and now we are totally excited that we can finally all meet in person. Let’s go learn together, share experiences and have a little chat over a soda between sessions! Let’s spend a day full of female empowerment together – for you personally and for your business!

The Female* Founders ConferenceCamp is a mixture of conference and barcamp – which means that on the one hand there are lectures and sessions by experienced founders and experts and on the other hand that the participants (i.e. you) can also contribute themselves. Because you can give your own sessions – completely in Barcamp style – and thus share your experiences, expertise or your questions.

The event is for everyone who is interested in the topic of start-up. Whether you just want to get informed, already have an idea or are already rocking your own company or startup. Everybody is welcome – and the focus is on learning from each other.

We have different rooms where there will be a varied program and a networking corner where you can get to know each other.

Look forward to exciting sessions from:

As you can see, it will be a great day to learn a lot and expand your network!

We are already looking forward to seeing you,

Janna with the Impact Hub Ruhr Team


19. November 2022


11:00 - 18:00

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Impact Hub Ruhr
Heinrich-Reisner-Platz 1, 45127 Essen, Germany


Impact Hub Ruhr Area GmbH
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