
Female Founder Friday

The Venture Club Münster e.V. invites you for the first time to the Female Founders Friday!

According to the Female Founders Monitor, women accounted for just 20% of startup founders in 2021. The lack of contacts and appropriate networks are especially important in the early days!

We want to counteract this and make our contribution to a smaller gender gap. With Female Founders Friday, we want to bring more women together and get them excited about entrepreneurship in order to further strengthen Münster’s startup ecosystem!

You want to learn something from experienced women in the field!? For you, the topic of entrepreneurship has always been somehow exciting!? You want to pass on some of your knowledge to other potential founders?

Then be there when successful female founders talk, ask your questions, exchange ideas with other interested people or share your knowledge at the Female Founders Friday at POHA House!


20. January 2023


18:00 - 21:00

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POHA House Münster
Bremer Platz 50-52, 48155 Münster


Venture Club Münster e.V.
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