3 future now festival event picture

3. future now festival

30. + august 31, 2024

Open-air stage Alte Feuerwache, Gathe 6, 42107 Wuppertal

3. future now festival

Feminist Music & Performance Festival | All FLINTA* Line-up

music | global | dance | food | solidarity | vinyl

At 30. and August 31, Future Now is all about traditional music and its contemporary manifestations. The thought of folk songs, folk dances and traditional costumes often gives rise to a stale feeling – a feeling of fascination and identity at the same time. We explore this tension and bring together transnational, intergenerational and interdisciplinary positions. We are not looking for an intact past, but work artistically with fractures and ambiguities to which we joyfully open ourselves. Future Now! Of course, we are once again crossing the boundaries between unrelated genres in music and performance. Let’s listen and dance into the future together!

It starts before the festival at the end of July with dance and DJ workshops and on August 25, 2024 with the silent film The Violinist of Florence with live music at Talflimmern.


30. - 31. August 2024


19:00 - 22:30


Open-air stage
Old fire station, Gathe 6, 42107 Wuppertal
Association for the Promotion of Bergische Heimatkultur e.V.


Association for the Promotion of Bergische Heimatkultur e.V.
To the Music Festival
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