GründungsWiese Female Founders-Eventbild

Female Founders” start-up meadow

Why do women found companies differently than men?

Influence of gender roles and socialization: How do social expectations and role patterns influence women’s motivation and approaches to start-ups?

Psychological and social factors: self-perception, self-confidence and how mentoring programs can support this.

Success models of female founders: Best-practice examples and inspiring stories of successful female founders.

What needs to be considered in the business model?

Definition and structure of a business model: What makes a successful business model?

Specific challenges for female founders: Access to capital, market access and differences in industry preferences.

Innovative approaches and niche markets: How women can create unique business models through creative and social innovations.

Why is networking so important?

The role of networking in the start-up process: How networks provide resources, knowledge and support.

Female networks and their significance: advantages and disadvantages of women-specific networks and networking events.

Strategies for successful networking: tips for maintaining contacts, building and using networks, social media as a networking tool.



As the founder of WHO:IN and the Female Founders Festival, her aim is to familiarize more people with the topic of start-ups, encourage them to consider starting a business and motivate them to do so.
It is particularly important to her that women can discuss the topic in an undisturbed environment, get their questions answered and receive the necessary support.

Thanks to her many years of experience in start-up consulting and her broad industry knowledge, she is able to provide both founders and start-ups with comprehensive expertise.
From the development of a solid business plan to strategic positioning on the market, she accompanies every step of the start-up process.
Her approach is based on a deep understanding of the challenges faced by founders.

Her experience includes her work as a consultant at KfW, her role as a project manager for brand strategies and her self-employed work as a photographer and business consultant at the Cologne Chamber of Crafts.
Each stage of her career has shaped her and given her valuable insights into different industries and business areas.

Svenja Bremer – Start-up and management consultant


21. November 2024


17:45 - 20:00

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Design Offices Cologne Dominium
Tunisstrasse 19-23, 50667 Cologne, Germany


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