Live-Veranstaltung-Frauen im Fokus Female Empowerment & Personal Branding-Eventbild

Live Event – Women in Focus: Female Empowerment & Personal Branding

Personal branding: A buzzword – but not a form of self-dramatization, but the targeted positioning of one’s own personal brand in a professional context. Only those who are visible develop effectiveness for others. Empowerment plays the decisive role: setting a new course for the future, creating resilient and value-adding working conditions & creating new forms of collaboration: Kinga Bartczak will show how this can be done and what role reflection on one’s own values and visions plays in this process in her keynote speech, followed by a discussion round with the opportunity to ask questions. Afterwards, the topic of empowerment can be experienced with active exercises in a two-hour workshop! At the end, networking offers the chance to exchange ideas. Click here for the complete program. Among the first 10 registrations we will raffle one business coaching session (60 minutes) each for female employees of an SME with Kinga Bartczak (digital or on-site in Cologne) – please indicate in your registration if you want to participate in the raffle! The winners will be announced during the event.


31. August 2023


10:00 - 14:30

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Mark 51°7
44803 Bochum
Bochum Economic Development Wirtschaftsförderung Bochum WiFö GmbH


Bochum Economic Development Wirtschaftsförderung Bochum WiFö GmbH
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