Fuck-up Night Female Edition meets Start-up Center

Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn. – uncensored truths from the lives of female founders!

About this event

When a founder is successful, this is reason enough for minutes of praise and detailed descriptions of the success story so far. When a founder fails, this is quickly and quietly swept under the carpet. Making mistakes in general and failure in particular are still considered taboo topics that are rarely brought up in conversation. But that is now an end! Fuck-up Nights are a global movement where professional failures are shared, scrutinized, and the lessons learned are celebrated.

Together with the Start-up Center of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal you have the opportunity to learn from four female founders and celebrate their learnings with them. They tell you about their fuck-ups, share their experiences as well as their motivation to “keep getting back up”.

We stand for a mindset that leads to success, and mistakes are simply part of that!

Be inspired by people who got back up after failure and are celebrating new successes!


19. May 2022


17:30 - 20:30


Freiraum, Innovation Lab of the University of Wuppertal
Bärenstraße 11-13, 42117 Wuppertal
Women Entrepeneurs in Sience


Women Entrepeneurs in Sience
To the Fuck-up Night
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